With all this excitement of the holiday season, it’s tempting to make overly ambitious resolutions for the new year. ‘I’ll never eat cupcakes again!’ That’s just err… Impossible. ‘I’ll learn to play one new instrument every month!’ Okay, Mozart. Well, we all know that most of our new year’s resolutions don’t even make it past the second week of January. But, we’re doing it anyway! Here’s a look at Punk Lemon’s team resolutions for 2020 …
Jill, Lemon Head
- Imitate Jackie Chan, for real.
- Snorkel in the pool (practise makes perfect, right?)
- Get rid of this Keto diet once and for all!
Dean, Hand of the Queen
- I resolve to stop buttering my donuts.
- Lower my bills by digging a hole to put them in.
Madhu, Lil’Lemon
- Dance, like I’m African
- Write my biography with a plan
- Sleep with books
Yuri, Sour Punk
- Eat like a 45 kilos of cake this year (need that weight)
- Bang on more drums
- Sleep until midnight
Karen, Social Squeeze
- Be a yogi, not a donut.
- Sing (out of the shower)
- Join fear factor